JAH Arts

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65 Roses Art Project

The 65 Roses Art Project was inspired by the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) 65 Roses moniker created in 1965 by Ricky Wiess and was created as a fundraising marketing strategy that transformed into a touching movement of honor and support. Julie Allen decided to sell “mini-sponsorships” for her Crossing for a Cure fundraising campaign by offering to paint a rose in the name of a business or individual on her 14 foot crossing board. Each donor of $65 or more was given the opportunity to choose a short statement, business or name that would be written across a painted banner, with the goal of “selling” 65 roses. Some of her donors chose to have the name of a CF patient written across the banner, some of her donors chose to remain anonymous and their rose was dedicated to someone with CF, some had business names, some had their own names, some honored their mothers and some chose moving phrases, the two most remarkable donations stated “To All CF Warriors” and “For this We Will Endure.” Julie relentlessly campaigned through instagram and facebook, giving recognition to each rose donor. She secured 49 rose donations and raised $5,330 by 78 people. The remaining 16 roses honored CF patients in the community.

A month and half before The Crossing, Julie remodeled her board by fixing soft spots, replacing the deckpad and stenciling the 65 roses along the rails, nose and bottom of the board. The 65 Roses Art Project truly became a group art project when local artist Paul Seaman donated the paint; Julie’s father donated the work space and hours of time; & several crossing crusaders, their supporters and families gathered to outline each stenciled rose as Julie hand wrote each donors requested banner message. The result was magnificent and a few days later a blessing ceremony was held to launch the 65 Roses Art Project into a local waterway. 

The board was listed in the Crossing for a Cure’s online auction, but did not sell and Julie decided to keep it.